Every hedgehog purchased from me will receive 1 week of free boarding a year. After that, it is $10/day. Sorry, I do not board animals not purchased from me.
Terms and Conditions 1. All hedgehogs must be healthy and illness free. If we feel the animal isn't in good health, we have the right to refuse boarding. Any hedgehog being treated for any illness may be refused for boarding. Any animal being treated for a parasite will be refused. 2. You are only allowed to bring: Your hedgehog and your hedgehog's food. No outside equipment will be allowed. Food must be brought in an air tight container only (no pet food bags or Ziplocs will be accepted). If you bring food that isn't in an air tight container, a $5 fee will be added to your balance to cover the purchase of one. 3. If pet(s) becomes ill or if the state of the animal's health otherwise requires professional attention, Ainsley Willow Hedgehogs, in its sole discretion, may engage the services of a veterinarian or administer medicine or give other requisite attention to the animal, and the expenses thereof must be paid by the owner prior to pick up. The animal will not be returned until bill is paid. 4. If your hedgehog is boarding for longer than one paid week, 1/2 payment is required at drop off. 5. Any animal left more than 3 days past the pick up date without communication is deemed abandoned. At this time the hedgehog will become property of Ainsley Willow Hedgehogs to do with as we see fit. 6. Ainsley Willow Hedgehogs is held free and harmless from any injury, damages, and any other losses and liabilities.
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure: Drop off: Please arrive on time. If you are going to be late, please let me know. If you are more than 15 minutes late without notification, your boarding appointment may be cancelled.
Pick Up: Please arrive at the scheduled time. If you are going to be late, please let me know. If you are more than 15 minutes late without notification, you may be charged a $10 pick up rescheduling fee to compensate me for gas and my time. This may be charged multiple times if failure to meet happens multiple times. After the third time of no shows and no prior notification, your hedgehog will be considered abandoned and will become the property of Ainsley Willow Hedgehogs.
If the unforeseen happens: We understand that at times there may be unforeseen delays, should this happen, we ask for immediate notification and your new expected pick up date or time. You will be billed for any extra days of stay past the free week you get annually.
Payment: NO CHECKS are being accepted at this time. Payment types: Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Square or Paypal. For any online payment method, a 10% fee will be added to cover the fees I am charged for using their services and for immediate transfer to my bank account.